The Workplace Safety Blog

Safety & Fall Prevention Insights From Carbis Solutions

A Well Executed Job Leads to More Work

The Carbis Team | May 13, 2012 8:03:00 AM

Sometimes it can help put equipment functions into perspective when you read about its use in real world situations. That's why today's blog focuses on a couple examples that illustrate how companies have used fall prevention to improve conditions for their workers.

A Well Executed Job Leads to More Work

A Global Food and Beverage producer operates four production facilities, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and employs more than 1,600 people across the United States. The company’s truck access platforms were so old they had become outdated. In addition to their concern for employee safety, the company wanted to ensure its compliance with safety regulations. So after contacting several companies, the Food and Beverage producer chose Carbis to design its customized fall prevention with platforms that met present day safety standards. The reason the client selected Carbis is because of its expertise in fall prevention, bulk loading access equipment, and turnkey systems for truck and rail applications.

Carbis was able to use the client's existing infrastructure and construct a comprehensive fully powered cage system that would protect the worker, eliminating the need for harnesses. In order to create minimal downtime, the system was designed and built as a modular infrastructure so the client's own personnel could perform the installation in about eight hours. Now with this new system, the Food and Beverage producer can provide its employees with safe access while simultaneously adhering to strict safety standards. The company was so happy with the outcome it plans to install a similar system at a facility in New York.

Employee Safety Benefits The Entire Company

One of the largest US Cement and Mineral Component Manufacturers needed to upgrade its safety practices at one of their facilities. The firm had used "home-made" equipment for some time and realizing the danger it could cause knew they needed to implement a professionally designed and engineered solution that would protect employees and comply with MSHA (Mine Safety and Health Administration) regulations. The company selected Carbis mainly because of our reputation and experience in the area of customized fall prevention. After the installation of the new fall prevention equipment, employees at the manufacturing firm quickly realized how much better this new system was with its enhanced safety and ease of operation over their previous set up. In fact, the client was so happy with its new custom fall prevention that they ordered a second unit. Now the manufacturing firm has a fall prevention system that ensures employees' safety and complies fully with MSHA regulations.

If your company has questions on meeting OSHA, MSHA or any other requirements for fall prevention, chemical handling, or loading/offloading equipment, contact Carbis today.

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