The Workplace Safety Blog

Safety & Fall Prevention Insights From Carbis Solutions

Truck and Rail Access Gangways

The Carbis Team | Corporate and OSHA Compliance, Safety Equipment Purchasing & Replacement, safety | Jul 2, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Our folding stairs gangways are completely customizable to fit your site and platform requirements.

Accessing vehicles of different heights efficiently and safely is critical to your facility’s throughput and bottom line. With truck loading products from Carbis Solutions we can make that aspiration a reality.


Folding stairs from Carbis Solutions gives your operators safer access to vehicles of all height configurations. The design features a self-leveling tread capability that provides level access to the tops of a variety of trucks heights. Talk to us about how we can help you exceed regulatory fall prevention requirements.


Click to find out more and see different styles of gangways and their functions.


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